It was a really sad day yesterday when I returned to my car after school. I drive up to 4th South and 9th East and park in an Office Max parking lot and ride trax up to the U.
I do this because....
1) I don't want to pay $132.00 for a parking pass and I usually take trax unless I'm running late. 2) I thought it was a great idea and I have done this about four times with it not being a problem.
3) The lot is not even close to being full so I thought is was ok to park there.
I come up to my car and see this nice note explaining that my car has been immobilized with a BOOT and to take the boot off I just have to pay $80.00. Awesome! I would have much rather received a $20.00 parking ticket up at the U. Not only is it bad that I have to pay $80 but my WONDERFUL idea is ruined. I learned my lesson to read every sign near by any area that I park and to never park in Office Max's parking lot again!
I'm so sorry - that sucks. The U finds some way to get you coming and going. Only a little while longer, you can make it.
Hey! Just wanted to let you know we made our blog private. Send your email to heathtanner64@gmail.com so I can add you :)
Sorry about the boot!! That sucks.
Hey! It was so fun seeing you last night! We really need to get together more often! Hopefully y'all will be able to make it this friday. :) Take care, and have fun the next week with your Qtips! ;)
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