Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who knew....

I could love something so smelly, inconvenient, and high maintenance!

Meet my puppy....Sloan.

I love the way he
  • snores
  • takes two separate poops every time I take him out
  • pesters and bullies every dog he interacts with
  • sleeps
  • creeps up on me while I'm sleeping
  • whines like the saddest baby I've ever heard
  • wags his whole butt because he has no tail
  • acts like he is a 3 feet tall instead of just 10 inches
  • gets bursts of energy and sprints around our whole house
  • owns the passage way between our couches
  • rolls over and shakes (thanks Mom!)
  • EARS and permanent puppy dog eyes!

I am so happy Kyle and I found our little baby! He has been a lot of work but so entertaining and fun! I know he can look really silly but that is what I love about him. I'm not sure what I would do with out him.

Sloan & Maggie
Puppy dog eyes