Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers are Amazing!

I love Mother's Day! I feel so lucky to have my Mom in my life, she amazes me every day. I can't believe all that she does and still is always offering to do anything for me she can. Not a day goes by that I don't think about how blessed I am to have my Mom. She has the sweetest heart, is so thoughtful and generous, and has sacrificed so much for others.
Thanks Mom for being great!

I now have a life!

Thanks to being done with school I feel like I now have my own life back. School stuff isn't always going to be in the back of my mind and it feels great! Now that I'll have time to update by blog I'll have to start doing some fun things. I'm excited to start working on my hobbies and to find some new ones, so any good ideas let me know.